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Announcing the arrival of baby Ryder Cole 9/18/20; a doula assisted cesarean birth

"At my 36 week appointment, the providers were worried about my blood pressure so I was scheduled for induction at 37 weeks. Hoping for a VBA2C, this was not my plan. I had been monitoring my blood pressure at home and I was confident my blood pressure was stable and only high when I would see the providers (All my labs were also fine).  And while 37 weeks is considered 'early full term', I wanted to keep him in a little longer.  After weighing everything, I went in for my induction at 37 weeks.  I was induced, monitored for a little over 48 hours, did not make much progress, so I left. This was not a decision we made lightly. But I was healthy and stable, my baby was healthy and stable, my body was just not ready for labor. 

So for almost two more weeks I continued on my path for a natural delivery and agreed to be seen by my physician twice a week until 39 weeks when we would attempt another induction. At 38 weeks and 6 days, my water broke around 1:30am. I contacted our doula Emily and waited for labor to start. After about 12 hours of walking, spinning babies moves and bouncing on a birth ball, not much was happening.  I contacted my physician and they told me to head to the hospital. My induction was started around 6pm that night. Contractions didn't get painful until around 4am the next morning. I text Emily and told her I think it's time she comes to join us. I didn't see her arrive because my eyes were closed as I focused through the contractions and rested in between. All of a sudden the room was filled with the smell of relaxing essential oils and calming spa music was coming out of the speakers in the room. 

Between Emily, my husband and my nurse, we worked on positioning, spinning babies techniques and pain management. I eventually asked for the nitrous and then an epidural. About 45 hours after my water broke, baby's heart rate started to stay consistently in the higher range of safe. I was at 6cm. Waiting could only put my baby in more distress and throughout my pursuit for a vaginal delivery, I made it clear to myself and my provider, if my baby or I were in distress I will [obviously] do a c-section.  So the decision was made to go ahead with a c-section. As bad as I wanted and as hard as I worked for a vaginal delivery, my baby was telling me he couldn't take anymore. Our baby boy was born September 18 at 10:38pm weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces."

Authored by Brittany, mom of Brianne, Rylan and their latest addition, baby Ryder.

Join us in our congratulations to the new family of five!

**If you'd like to learn how a doula might fit into your birth plans, click here.


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